Assembling the Team

Diana is organized specifically to supply the exact type and level of technical talent required for any given project. Our company functions as a clearing house for this talent, thereby relieving the client from the necessity of seeking out, screening, and hiring top technical talent in today's volatile market. When we need additional talent within the corporation, we have had extraordinary success in selecting from a combination of our own database and personal experience to staff a project.

We have been successful in supplying, and obtaining needed talent primarily because of our skill in technical screening. Our managerial staff and interviewers all have technical backgrounds - several with over twenty years in the business. Every software specialist in our database has been prescreened and the skills, geographic location, and experience are known and readily available. As a result, we can quickly locate a qualified candidate and, often, several candidates for any client requirement or assemble a team of our own that is second to none.

Profile | Team | Approach | Alternative